House Churches
Why House Churches?
The early church met in house churches and we believe that Biblical model is still effective today for these reasons:
Simple Structure
Discipleship Focussed
House churches provide an intimate setting for members to holistically develop deep relationships, accountability, and maturity. (Acts 2, 1 Corinthians 12:12, Titus 3:5, 2 Peter 1:1-4).
Purpose of the Body
In a healthy family there is a lot of love, Godly values, and enough intentionality to train children to the point where they can grow up and start their own families. Our goal is to live in community with each other working together to raise up new believers into Godly character and obedience to the commands of Jesus. From among those in the community that are mature and biblically qualified; we are training up overseers that can effectively train several generations of mature disciples that can then themselves train up more disciples.
Meeting Resources
Family Meal
Sharing a meal together is an incredible way to deepen trust and friendships. It is through moments like this that we learn how to receive love and be loving.
Communion is a practice to remember and to keep Christ Crucified in focus.
Prayer & Worship
Through prayer and singing our members are able to focus their attention on God to press into God’s presence as a family.
Scripture Discussion
The objective of facilitating discussions is to teach individuals to interact with scripture in context and how to learn to read the Bible.
Ministry Time
We want to create a safe space for members to apply what is being taught and to grow and mature in Spiritual Gifts based on 1 Corinthians 14.
Do Life Together
We believe that Jesus meant for the Kingdom of God to change every aspect of our lives.
So no matter what walk of life you are in the gospel should transform you. We welcome families and children and whomever is ready for Jesus.